Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center provides year-round camping & retreat opportunities to live in an intentional Christian Community and participate in worship, recreation, relaxation, learning
and fellowship, while developing discipleship through Bible sudy, prayer and the care of God's creation and each other. |
2001 Youth Program Descriptions Call 386-4125 or Email LCLC-ELCA@juno.com for an application form.
Mini-Camp A 3-day experience for the young LCLC "first-timers." Small Cabin groups allow for individual attention while experiencing friends and fun! There are two sessions
being offered this summer, the second is in conjunction with Family Camp! Mini Camp 1 July 1-3
Mini Camp 2 July 5-7 For youth who have completed grades 2-4
Recruits in Advanced Training for Service (RATS) This program is unique to
LCLC and is a two-week leadership development program limited to 30 high school youth. The first week of the program consists of group building,exploring the Bible study, enjoying the facets of
camp and leadership training. Much time is spent during the second week in hands on service in neighboring communities. Some past service opportunities have included working with Lutheran Social
Services of Jamestown spending time with the youth of the Joint Neighborhood Project ministry as well as many other events. This is a highlight of LCLC and a wonderful opportunity for high school youth.
RATS 1 July 1-14 RATS 2 July 15-28 RATS 3 July 29-Aug 11 For Youth who have Completed grades 9-12 |
One Week Youth Camp The heart of our residential programming at LCLC is the Youth Camp. This week-long program allows youth to make new friends, reacquaint with old friends, and
truly be able to experience all that LCLC has to offer. For Youth that have completed grades 3-8 Youth Camp 1 July 22-28 Youth Camp 2 July 29-Aug 4 Youth Camp 3 August 5-11 Youth Camp 4 August 12-18
Two Week Youth Camp The same offerings as a one week Youth Camp but double the opportunities! The bible study will remain "Jesus Is!"with some moderation in order to keep your youth
interested and l earning new lessons. This opportunity allows a greater variety and more depth
to the programs your child can choose from and involve themselves in.
Two Week Youth Camp 1 July 22-Aug 4 Two Week Youth Camp 2 Aug 5-18
New Program!
ECO-ADVENTURE WEEK July 1-7 Global Warming, Non-point Source Pollution, Deforestation.. these are all buzzwords in the news today. Eco-Adventure Week will
introduce environmental issues and how they relate to camp. Campers will learn the importance of looking at the environment as a complex machine with differing parts working together. By exsploring
different eco-systems on camp, like forests, meadows and waterways, campers will actively engage in hands on exploration while being guided by our staff and local environmental specialists.
Eco-Adventure Week will also emphasize the beauty of God's creation and how to be a good stewards od the earth through conservation and education. So, pack up your creek-walking shoes,
practice your best frog call and get ready to go on an Eco-Adventure!
Senior High Week 2001 will mark the 30th anniversary of this week of intentional High
School age programming at LCLC.As well as exploring the Biblical theme of the summer "Jesus Is!" and making use of many programs available on-site, there will also be special workshops offered, as
well as off-camp Evaluations of the week consistently rate "the people we meet" as the best part of Senior High Week. This week is a chance for life-long camp friends to re-acquaint, or for the first time
campers to become a part of a community of incredible high school age youth with fun and Christ at its center. Senior High Week August 12-18 For youth who have completed grades 9-12
Staff-In-Training (SITs) LCLC's S.I.T. program offers and in-depth look at & training in the life of a summer camp staff member.Along with group building, Bible
Study and a ton of fun, the S.I.T.'s go through training similar to that given to summer staff. Time is spent learning how to be a cabin counselor, how to lead Bible study, devotions, work with children of
different ages, important group characteristics involved in a cabin group, games, arts-n-crafts and other camp related areas. Time is also spent assisting both Kitchen and Maintenence staff, two very
important aspects of life at LCLC. New this summer we have partnered with representatives from Philadelphia Seminary's Theological Education with Youth program. President Phil Krey will
be spending a week with the S.I.T.'s talking in-depth about prayer, along with other everyday theological issues. July 8-Aug 18
386-4125 Email LCLC-ELCA@juno.com
for an application form. |